


Children will be checked in and out by the teacher upon arrival and dismissal. Child Release Forms must be completed and returned to the office to authorize alternative pick-ups.


Children should wear washable play clothing appropriate for art activities and current weather conditions. They go outside almost every day. Shoes must have closed toes to prevent discomfort or accidents on the playground.



The Preschool implements positive discipline methods, including reminders and the teaching of self control, socialization skills, problem solving skills, and redirection.

Emergency Kits

The preschool creates Emergency Kits for every child in the event that sustenance and additional protection are needed due to unforeseen emergencies. Cost is included in the Registration Fee.


Extended Care

Extended Care is offered as a service to parents who need additional care. Parents may sign children up for Early Morning Care ($8) and/or Lunch Bunch ($10), but must notify the school 24 hours in advance when a child is not going to attend to avoid being charged. Limited space is available.

Community Events/Information

Parents are welcome to display and (when appropriate) distribute relevant event/information fliers on our Community Events Board or in children's file folders. Please approve fliers through the Preschool Director before doing so. The Preschool Director may use own discretion.


Field Trips

Field trips are a developmentally appropriate way for preschool children to extend their learning. We encourage classes at our school to take them several times during the year, but suggest that they be limited to one per quarter. Each year, teachers decide how many and what type of field trips children will take in each class.

Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from the field trip location. If parents cannot transport their own children, they may arrange for a carpool with other parents, or seek guidance from the teachers on such an arrangement. Teachers cannot transport children.

Teachers bring class sign-in and sign-out sheets with them so that parents can sign their children in and out as usual. They also bring a cell phone and their respective emergency contact lists if an emergency should arise. All parents are required to agree that they will not hold Wasatch Presbyterian Preschool, its teachers, or any of its church or school employees liable in any way for accident or injury to their children while participating in these trips.

Parents are encouraged to attend and participate in field trips to keep the student/adult ratios down to a manageable level (2-4 students per adult), but also to enhance parent-to-parent relationships. This policy reflects the best way to keep preschool children safe, while allowing them the opportunity to participate in hands-on learning and extended learning experiences that field trips allow.

Assessment Policy

Wasatch Presbyterian Preschool uses assessment as part of our system for tracking a child’s progress in our program. Each year we use both formal and informal testing. This is comprised primarily of checklists, observations, and other informal ways of assessing students. Formal testing is only done with parental permission when we suspect a child may need services that we do not offer. We use The Children's Center to do formal testing for diagnosis and referral.

One-on-one assessments are done at least twice a year; once at the beginning of the year to see which level to begin teaching each student, then again at the end of the year to document each student’s progress. Teachers may also deem it necessary to conduct assessments at other times of the year, depending on each child and their specific needs.

Assessment helps teachers know how to design our curriculum to best meet the needs of each individual child, as well as for the group as a whole. This will make the experience each child has unique from the experience other children have, and gives teachers information to pass on to parents keeping them informed about their child’s progress each year. It enables each child to progress as far and as quickly as he/she is ready and capable.

Assessment results are shared with parents twice a year, at parent/teacher conferences in the fall and in the spring. Information gathered throughout the year is also used to identify children with special needs. Teachers gather information not only from informal testing, but also from input given them by parents and other caregivers.



Wasatch's Preschool Advisory Board, Preschool Director, teachers, and staff stand ready to address issues of concern that parents bring to our attention. We care deeply about the satisfaction of our families.


As a requirement for children to attend school, parents must complete a Registration Packet given to them at the beginning of the year, which includes a health form and up-to-date record of immunizations.


Illness Policy

The Utah State Health Department requires children to stay home if they are ill, especially if the illness is highly contagious. If children come to school regardless of illness, the Health Department requires teachers and staff to immediately quarantine sick children and notify parents. When sick children attend school, illness and disease spread quickly to the other children, families, and teachers. We will notify parents, in a written notice, of any contagious diseases. Please be considerate and keep sick children home until they are no longer contagious and well enough to attend. Basic Rule of Thumb: If a child is not well enough to play outdoors, the child is not well enough to come to school.

To help prevent illness from spreading, children will be excluded from the classroom if any of the following symptoms or conditions occur:

  1. Fever of 100 degrees or above,

  2. Nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain,

  3. Diarrhea,

  4. Unusual drowsiness or tiredness,

  5. Sore throat, colored mucus, acute cold, or persistent cough (non-allergic),

  6. Red, inflamed, or discharging eyes,

  7. Swollen glands around jaws, ears, or neck,

  8. Impetigo, until 24 hours after an acceptable antibiotic treatment has been started,

  9. Any skin sore oozing fluid, yellow pus in blisters, or pus which has an odor,

  10. Chicken pox, until all pox are scabbed over.

Snack Policy

Parents take turns roughly once a month providing healthy snacks for their child’s class. We ask that sweet snacks be reserved for birthdays. Teachers will contact and remind parents if they forget to send snack on their designated day. We provide water, but parents may choose to supplement with a healthy alternative beverage.

Please remember the following as you purchase snacks to send to school:

  1. The health department requires that all snacks be pre-packaged and purchased at the store.

  2. Individual servings are the best.

  3. Milk or other healthy alternative beverages may be provided if desired.

  4. Children need healthy snacks to sustain them throughout the school day. Sweet treats are only allowed for birthdays and holiday parties.

  5. Do not send snacks that can potentially be a choking hazard.

  6. Be mindful of any postings regarding classroom allergies.



Nondiscrimination Policy

Wasatch Presbyterian Preschool admits students of any religion, race, color, disability, and national or ethnic origin.

Parent / Teacher Conferences

Wasatch Presbyterian Preschool holds Parent/Teacher Conferences twice a year with an additional "Meet & Greet" meeting prior to the start of school. Additional conferences may be requested as needed.


Late Pick-Up Fee

Parents receive late fees when they pick up children more than five minutes after class is over. Wasatch charges $10 at the 6 minute mark and $10 for each additional five minutes thereafter. Late fee collections are given to teachers who stay to care for children.

6-10 minutes late = $10
11-15 minutes late = $20
16-20 minutes late = $30, etc.

Late Tuition Fees

Tuition is due on the first day of each month. A late fee of $5/day is charged after the 10th of each month. After the 10th, parents have one week to pay the balance on their account. All outstanding balances not discussed with the Director after that date will result in termination of enrollment at the school. Re-enrolling a child will require re-payment of the yearly registration fee and all outstanding charges.


Returned Check Fee

A $20 fee is charged on all returned checks.


Families may withdraw from our preschool at any time, however, the preschool does not refund the registration fee OR the last month's tuition.


Teacher Requests

The preschool does not accept teacher requests upon Registration, unless the situation is unusual and requiring specific placement for validated reasons.


The preschool requires five hours of volunteer time from each family. We welcome volunteers/observers in classrooms anytime. Arrangements may be made with teachers in advance.


Confidentiality Policy

All personal information about students is kept confidential. Written permission is received before personal information is given to other pertinent agencies, schools, programs or people. This information is kept locked in file cabinets in the preschool office. Formal testing, when needed, is done by The Children's Center and results are given only to parents. Informal testing results are kept in portfolios in the classrooms. They are referred to when designing activities and curriculum. This helps individualize the curriculum to the levels and needs of the children. Portfolios of children’s work are sent home with parents at the end of each school year. Records are stored for several years until they are destroyed.

The following individuals have access to these files during the school year:

  • Health Department

  • Special Needs Consultants

  • Teachers and Office staff

  • Parents

  • Teachers

  • Courts (if requested in divorce proceedings)